Masking in Autistic Adults: A Clinician’s Guide to Responsive Care

This book, written by an autistic psychologist specializing in assessing neurodivergent adults, seeks to transform how clinicians understand and support autistic adults with high-masking presentations.

As a member of the autistic community, I am deeply committed to increasing the quality of life for autistic individuals. The frequent stories of mistreatment, dismissal, and misunderstanding by healthcare professionals that I hear from clients are not just troubling—they’re a call to action. I’m determined to change this narrative by enhancing the quality of healthcare support that autistic adults receive.

My personal journey of discovering I’m autistic at age 29 parallels the broader challenges faced by many high-masking autistic adults in receiving appropriate care. This experience, combined with my professional expertise, allows me to offer a unique “insider-outsider” perspective that not only fills a critical gap in existing literature but also challenges prevailing clinical assumptions about autism and high-masking presentations.

I’m collecting brief quotes from autistic adults who are interested in sharing on specific subjects. See below for details and a submission form, or sign up here to get updates on the book.

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Are you autistic and interested in contributing to the book?

Great! Have a look at this page on my assessment website that explains the kinds of small and specific contributions I’m seeking from autistic people to increase the diversity of voices in the book.